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Pet Oxygen Canister – 15 Liter


Pawprint Oxygen’s Pet Oxygen Portable Canisters are a lightweight and durable solution for pet owners to administer pure oxygen to their pets and aid in their recovery from respiratory distress, providing a long-lasting supply whenever needed.

What's Inside

15L Oxygen Canisters

Additional Information

Important: Next Day Air not available for products containing Oxygen Canisters, per O2 shipping regulations, ground shipping only.


15 liters of oxygen (99%) per Canister

2-year shelf life

100% recyclable

Ground Shipping Only

Pet Oxygen Canisters require a Regulator in order to function and provide oxygen flow

More Oxygen at your fingertips

Our new 15L Oxygen Canister size can provide up to 50% more oxygen (depending on your pet’s size) from our previous 10L version.


Pure Oxygen

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Will Each Pawprint Oxygen Canister Last?

Pawprint Oxygen Canisters can last up to 30 minutes. How long the canisters last is dependent on the flow rate that you’re using. 

The flow rate is the “dosage” of the oxygen drug and determines the rate at which the oxygen gas leaves the canister.

The regulator is a part of the Pawprint Oxygen Kit and is what dictates the flow rate. Pawprint Oxygen will provide you with a regulator that is pre-set to the flow rate dictated by the weight range of your kit. 

These are the durations that the canister will last for each of the flow rates:

0.5 Liters per minute: 30 minutes

1.0 Liters per minute: 15 minutes

2.0 Liters per minute: 7.5 minutes

3.0 Liters per minute: 5 minutes

How Will I Know When My Canister is Empty?

When you twist on and connect your Oxygen Regulator, the gauge will indicate the level of remaining oxygen in your canister

Can I Refill My Oxygen Canister?

Oxygen Canisters cannot be refilled. Please recycle your canister when it’s empty and you can order replacements any time!

Will my Oxygen expire?

We have a two-year shelf life on our Oxygen Canisters. This shelf life is for the seal on the Oxygen Canister itself. 
