
Rescue Oxygen for Veterinary Transport

oxygen kit for pets

Until veterinary pre-hospital services become commonplace, pet parents are called upon to initially treat and then transport their pets from home to the veterinarian during respiratory emergencies. They are also often responsible for the transfer between primary care and referral hospitals either with or without veterinary support. Regardless, oxygen dependent patients present a challenge because of the need for a portable and safe source of oxygen with an effective administration system. 

Oxygen Transport for Pets

With the introduction of Rescue Oxygen System, oxygen-dependent pets can now be transported from home to veterinary hospital (H2VH) during an emergency or from primary care veterinary hospital to referral hospital (VH2VH).

Current practice for VH2VH transport has veterinarians assuming the risks of unsecured, high-pressure E-tanks in passenger vehicles. Veterinarians are also expected to manage the logistics of providing equipment, such as oxygen tanks and regulators, as well as their return, and charging appropriately, which may include deposits and returns. This is a complicated, expensive system filled with safety and liability concerns for both the veterinarian and the pet parent. In light of these concerns, many patients are simply sent without oxygen, which can have disastrous results.

Dog Oxygen Rescue Kit

Our Oxygen Rescue Kits are designed to help your dog exactly when they need it. You can administer on-the-spot oxygen or oxygen in transport while on your way to emergency care. Dogs needing this rescue kit would likely suffer from more acute health conditions like seizures or be in a high-risk category that you'd like to keep a kit on hand to transport them with.

Oxygen Transport for Pets and Veterinarians

With Pawprint Oxygen’s Rescue Oxygen System, the pet parent purchases an affordable, safe, portable system that eliminates the need for high-pressure cylinders and the resulting safety and liability concerns. Additionally, in cases where the condition can recur at home, the pet parent simply visits their veterinarian to obtain more Pawprint Oxygen Canisters. This allows them to be prepared for an inevitable recurrence or decompensation. 

This also encourages the pet parent to check in with their veterinarian regarding the condition of their pet. The Rescue Oxygen System is affordable and empty canisters are recyclable, eliminating the need for complicated equipment rentals and returns. As this system becomes standard of care for veterinary transport, veterinarians and pet parents will no longer have to worry about pets turning “blue” during transport.

About Sean Smarick, VMD, DACVECC

Dr. Sean Smarick received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Pennsylvania in 1991. He then completed a residency in Veterinary Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care at the University of California, Davis in 2003 and, in the same year, became a Diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. In his 30 years of practice, Dr Smarick has enjoyed being in the ICU and emergency rooms of private and university practices, participating in CPR and clinical research, contributing to journals and textbooks, training residents and interns, and serving on the board of several veterinary businesses and organizations. Dr. Smarick currently serves as the Post-Cardiac Arrest Care Domian Chair of RECOVER , as a Trustee on the Board of the PVMA , and as a commissioned Veterinary Corps Officer in the US Army Reserves. In addition to providing local and national instruction to handlers, paramedics and veterinarians, he is involved in pre-hospital veterinary care as a member of the VetCOT ATLS and education committees, the K9 TECC working group , and on the board of NAVEMS.

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