Pet Parents

Everything You Need to Know About Pawprint Oxygen: An FAQ Guide

cat playing on the ground

Introducing supplemental oxygen therapy to your pet’s care plan can feel overwhelming, especially when it's something you've never encountered before. At Pawprint Oxygen, we understand the concerns that come with learning your pet requires oxygen support. Whether it’s due to respiratory conditions like congestive heart failure or other medical challenges, oxygen therapy can be a vital part of your pet’s recovery and quality of life. 

In this comprehensive FAQ guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Pawprint Oxygen, answering your most pressing questions and helping you feel confident about supporting your pet’s health.

The Top 10 Questions We Hear From Customers

When it comes to providing oxygen therapy for your pet, you likely have many questions. At Pawprint Oxygen , we’ve compiled the most common inquiries we receive from pet parents navigating this new aspect of care. From understanding how oxygen therapy works to ensuring your pet’s comfort and safety, these frequently asked questions address the key concerns you may have. 

In this section, we’ll guide you through the answers to help you feel confident and well-prepared to support your pet’s health with oxygen therapy.

1. What is Pawprint Oxygen, and how does ordering oxygen for my pet work?

This is often the first question from pet owners unfamiliar with oxygen therapy and its role in supporting pets with respiratory issues.

Pawprint Oxygen is a portable oxygen therapy solution designed specifically for pets in need of supplemental oxygen. It provides oxygen therapy to pets suffering from conditions such as congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, or other respiratory challenges. Pawprint Oxygen offers two main systems: portable oxygen canisters and oxygen concentrators.

The oxygen canisters are lightweight, portable, and pre-filled with medical-grade oxygen, making them ideal for on-the-go, emergencies, or short-term use. They come with a pet-friendly oxygen mask, ensuring your pet gets the oxygen they need quickly and comfortably.

The oxygen concentrators , on the other hand, continuously generate oxygen from ambient air, providing a longer-term solution for pets that need oxygen support over extended periods. As the concentrator needs to be plugged in to function, this oxygen source is a better solution for home use. Both options allow pet parents to administer oxygen therapy safely, under the guidance of their veterinarian, helping pets breathe easier and improving their overall quality of life.

2. How do I know if my pet needs supplemental oxygen?

Pet parents want to understand the signs and conditions that may require oxygen therapy, such as congestive heart failure or pneumonia.

Determining if your pet needs supplemental oxygen typically involves identifying signs of respiratory distress and consulting with your veterinarian. Pets suffering from conditions like congestive heart failure, pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension, asthma, or other respiratory illnesses may benefit from oxygen therapy. Some common signs that your pet may need supplemental oxygen include:

  • Rapid or labored breathing
  • Blue or pale gums (a sign of oxygen deprivation)
  • Coughing, especially during exercise or at rest
  • Lethargy or difficulty exercising
  • Fainting or collapsing
  • Persistent panting or difficulty catching their breath

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to contact your veterinarian immediately. They can evaluate your pet’s condition and determine if oxygen therapy is necessary, either as an emergency treatment or as part of long-term care.

3. How do I order oxygen for my pet?

Ordering oxygen for your pet through Pawprint Oxygen is a simple process. If you are interested in a portable oxygen kit, they are available without the need for a prescription. 

For an oxygen concentrator, the process starts with obtaining a prescription from your veterinarian. Here’s how it works:

  1. Place Your Order : To get started, you can place an order directly on the Pawprint Oxygen website . Select the bundle that best suits your pet’s needs.

  2. Provide Prescription Details : During checkout, you’ll be prompted to upload your pet’s prescription (if you already have one) or provide your veterinarian’s contact information. Pawprint Oxygen will verify the prescription before shipping the order.

  3. Obtain a Prescription : Once we receive your order, we will get started on obtaining a prescription approval, if needed.

  4. Receive Your Oxygen Concentrator : Once the order is processed and the prescription is verified, your oxygen concentrator will be shipped directly to your home.

This streamlined process ensures that your pet receives the oxygen therapy they need quickly and easily, under veterinary guidance.

4. What’s the difference between oxygen concentrators and oxygen canisters?

Pet parents often want to know which option is best suited for their pet’s condition and how each system functions.

The key difference between oxygen concentrators and oxygen canisters lies in how they supply oxygen and their ideal use cases for pets:

  1. Oxygen Canisters : These are pre-filled, portable canisters that contain medical-grade oxygen. They are ready for immediate use and are ideal for short-term or emergency situations, such as when your pet experiences sudden breathing difficulties. Oxygen canisters are lightweight, easy to transport, and come with a pet-friendly oxygen mask for direct oxygen delivery. However, they have a limited oxygen supply, so they need to be replaced after use.

  2. Oxygen Concentrators : Unlike canisters, oxygen concentrators do not store oxygen. Instead, they extract oxygen from the air by filtering out nitrogen, providing a continuous and unlimited oxygen supply. This makes them ideal for pets requiring long-term oxygen therapy. Oxygen concentrators are larger and are not portable like canisters, so they are best suited for home use. While they require electricity to operate, concentrators are cost-effective for ongoing therapy since they don’t require refilling or replacements.

Both systems serve different purposes, and your veterinarian can help determine which option is best based on your pet's specific needs and the duration of their oxygen therapy.

5. Is it safe to administer oxygen to my pet at home?

Pet owners are concerned about the safety and effectiveness of using oxygen therapy outside of a clinical setting.

Yes, it is safe to administer oxygen to your pet at home, if you follow your veterinarian’s guidance and use the appropriate equipment. Pawprint Oxygen is designed specifically for pets, offering a safe and effective way to provide oxygen therapy outside of a clinical setting. Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Consult with Your Veterinarian : Always work with your veterinarian to determine the correct oxygen flow rate and duration for your pet. A prescription is required for an oxygen concentrator to ensure the therapy is tailored to your pet’s medical condition.

  2. Use Pet-Specific Equipment : Pawprint Oxygen provides oxygen canisters and concentrators designed with pets in mind, including masks that fit comfortably and deliver the correct amount of oxygen. Avoid using human oxygen equipment, as it may not be suitable for pets.

  3. Monitor Your Pet Closely : While administering oxygen, keep an eye on your pet for signs of improvement or distress. If your pet seems uncomfortable, panicked, or doesn’t respond well to the therapy, contact your veterinarian immediately.

With the right equipment and veterinary oversight, administering oxygen therapy at home can help improve your pet’s quality of life and provide immediate relief during respiratory distress.

6. How long will a canister of oxygen last for my pet?

Pet parents often ask about the duration of oxygen supply, especially in emergencies or long-term use.

The duration a canister of oxygen will last depends on a few factors, including the pet’s size and the flow rate recommended by your veterinarian. Here’s a general idea of how long Pawprint Oxygen canisters will last:

  • Pets 0-11lbs generally require a 0.5LPM (liter per minute) flow rate, and each 15 Liter canister will last 30 minutes. The Portable Oxygen Kit for Dogs and Cats 0-11lbs comes with 3 canisters of oxygen, giving you a total of 90 minutes of rescue oxygen.

  • Pets 11-22lbs generally require a 1.0LPM flow rate, and each 15 Liter canister will last 15 minutes. The Portable Oxygen Kit for Dogs and Cats 11-22lbs comes with 6 canisters of oxygen, giving you a total of 90 minutes of rescue oxygen.

  • Pets 22-33lbs generally require a 2.0LPM flow rate, and each 15 Liter canister will last 7.5 minutes. The Portable Oxygen Kit for Dogs 22-33lbs comes with 6 canisters of oxygen, giving you a total of 45 minutes of rescue oxygen.

  • Pets 33lbs and above generally require a 3.0LPM flow rate, and each 15 Liter canister will last 5 minutes. The Portable Oxygen Kit for Dogs 33lbs+ comes with 6 canisters of oxygen, giving you a total of 30 minutes of rescue oxygen.

Keep in mind that higher flow rates, which may be necessary for larger pets or more severe respiratory issues, will reduce the amount of time the canister lasts. It’s always a good idea to have spare canisters on hand if your pet requires frequent oxygen therapy, and your veterinarian can help you estimate how much oxygen your pet will need based on their weight and medical condition.

7. Can I travel with Pawprint Oxygen products?

Many pet owners wonder if the oxygen kits are portable and whether they can be used on trips or for pets with chronic conditions.

Yes, you can travel with Pawprint Oxygen products, making it easier to manage your pet’s oxygen needs on the go. The portable oxygen canisters are specifically designed for travel, whether you're taking a short car trip or managing an emergency away from home. Their lightweight and compact design makes them easy to carry, and they come with a pet-friendly mask for immediate oxygen delivery.

However, there are a few important things to keep in mind when traveling:

  1. Air Travel : If you're flying, you’ll need to check with the airline in advance. Most airlines have restrictions on oxygen canisters and will not allow them onboard due to safety regulations.

  2. Road Trips : Traveling by car is often the easiest option, as you have full control over your pet’s oxygen therapy. Be sure to pack enough canisters or consider bringing an oxygen concentrator with a power source if your pet needs continuous oxygen during the trip.

  3. International Travel : If you're traveling outside of the U.S., be sure to check the country’s regulations for transporting medical oxygen. You may need to plan for oxygen therapy at your destination if the equipment is not permitted through customs.

Whether it’s for emergencies or a planned trip, Pawprint Oxygen’s products provide peace of mind knowing that your pet can receive the care they need, even when you're on the move.

8. How often and for how long do I give oxygen to my pet?

Frequency and duration of therapy may differ depending on the pet’s medical condition and severity. It is vital to speak with the veterinarian before starting oxygen therapy.

The frequency and duration of oxygen therapy for your pet will depend on their specific condition and your veterinarian’s recommendations. In general, oxygen therapy is used to relieve respiratory distress, improve oxygen levels, and help pets breathe more easily. Here are some common scenarios and guidelines:

  1. Acute or Emergency Situations : In cases of sudden respiratory distress, such as during a heart failure episode or asthma attack, you may need to administer oxygen immediately for short periods, typically for 15-30 minutes or until your pet’s breathing stabilizes. This will help restore oxygen levels and provide time to seek veterinary care if needed.

  2. Chronic Conditions : Pets with chronic respiratory issues, like congestive heart failure (CHF) or pulmonary hypertension, may require more regular oxygen therapy. Your veterinarian may recommend administering oxygen several times a day for 30 minutes up to 2 hours per session depending on the severity of the condition.

  3. Long-Term Oxygen Use : For pets with severe, ongoing respiratory conditions, long-term oxygen therapy may be necessary. In these cases, your pet may need to receive continuous oxygen for several hours each day, or even overnight. An oxygen concentrator is often recommended for long-term use due to its ability to provide a steady, unlimited supply of oxygen. Please speak with your veterinarian before providing therapy sessions lasting longer than 2 hours, as there are more risks associated with continuous oxygen therapy.

Your veterinarian will determine the appropriate oxygen flow rate (measured in liters per minute, or LPM) and the duration of each session based on your pet's medical condition. It’s important to follow their guidelines closely to ensure your pet receives the right amount of oxygen at the right times for optimal results.

9. What should I do if my pet doesn’t tolerate the oxygen mask?

Owners often need tips for helping their pets adjust to wearing an oxygen mask, especially anxious or sensitive pets.

If your pet doesn’t tolerate the oxygen mask, it can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to help them feel more comfortable and ensure they receive the oxygen they need:

  1. Start Slowly : Introduce the mask gradually. Let your pet sniff and explore the mask without forcing it on them. You can try placing it near their face for short periods to get them used to the sensation.

  2. Use Positive Reinforcement : Reward your pet with treats, praise, and affection when they show interest in or tolerate the mask. This helps them associate the mask with something positive and can reduce anxiety.

  3. Stay Calm : Your pet may pick up on your anxiety or stress. Try to stay calm and patient when applying the mask, which can help your pet remain more relaxed.

  4. Modify the Positioning : If your pet refuses to wear the mask, try holding it farther from their nose or mouth. Some pets prefer less restrictive options. In certain cases, your veterinarian may recommend a different mask or alternative oxygen delivery method, such as placing your pet in a small, enclosed space (like an oxygen tent) where oxygen can be delivered more passively.

  5. Consult Your Veterinarian : If your pet continues to resist the mask or becomes overly stressed, consult your veterinarian. They may offer specific advice or prescribe a sedative to help calm your pet during oxygen therapy.

The goal is to ensure your pet receives the oxygen they need without causing additional stress, so finding the right approach that works for your pet’s comfort is key.

10. How do I replace my oxygen canisters?

Knowing how to order replacement canisters is a key logistics question for pet owners who are using oxygen therapy for an extended period.

Replacing your oxygen canisters with Pawprint Oxygen is a straightforward process to ensure your pet always has access to supplemental oxygen. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Monitor Oxygen Levels : Keep an eye on the oxygen levels in your current canister. Each portable oxygen kit comes with a flow rate regulator with a pressure gauge that indicates how much oxygen remains in each canister. It’s important to replace the canisters before they run out, especially if your pet relies on oxygen therapy regularly.

  2. Order Replacement Canisters : When you need more canisters, you can order replacements directly from Pawprint Oxygen's website. Since oxygen canisters no longer require a prescription, you can order replacements whenever you need them.

  3. Shipping and Delivery : Once you’ve placed your order, your replacement canisters will be shipped to you via Ground shipping, which typically takes between 2-5 business days to arrive.

  4. Recycle Empty Canisters : Empty canisters can be recycled with normal metal recycling, if applicable for your area.

By planning ahead and ordering replacement canisters as needed, you can ensure that your pet always has the oxygen support they require without interruption.

PureVent 5L Medical-Grade Oxygen Concentrator

The Oxygen Concentrator plugs into a wall outlet (120V) and concentrates oxygen from room air, providing high purity oxygen gas (>90%). The Oxygen Concentrator provides an endless supply of continuous flow oxygen therapy and is recommended for pets requiring extended oxygen therapy (more than one hour per day). Use the Oxygen Concentrator with a PureVent Pet Oxygen Mask or an Oxygen Cage.

Common Questions: Pawprint Oxygen Products

When it comes to choosing the right oxygen therapy solution for your pet, it's important to have a clear understanding of the products available and how they work. In this section, we’ll address common product-related questions about Pawprint Oxygen, including how our systems function, the differences between options like canisters and concentrators, and practical considerations for administering oxygen therapy at home.

Whether you're new to oxygen therapy or simply looking for more information, this guide will help you make informed decisions to best support your pet’s respiratory health.

1. What is an oxygen concentrator?

A medical grade oxygen concentrator is a device that filters oxygen from the surrounding room air and concentrates it to provide high purity oxygen (>90%).

An oxygen concentrator does not need to be refilled like an oxygen tank does, as it is able to create its own supply of oxygen from the surrounding room air. Our units have a run time of over 30,000 hours and require very little maintenance. We offer both 10-liter oxygen concentrators and 5-liter oxygen concentrators.

2. Can you use an oxygen canister to supply the oxygen cage?

No, our 15L oxygen canisters do not provide enough oxygen to fill the volume of an oxygen chamber or supply oxygen continuously without running out. You will need an oxygen concentrator to fill the cage sufficiently.

3. What size oxygen concentrator do I need for the oxygen cage?

The size of the oxygen concentrator needed depends on the size of the oxygen cage you are using.

The oxygen cage requires an oxygen concentrator set at its highest flow rate. Use a 5-liter concentrator for small and medium sized cages, or a 10 liter for large cages. Increasing cage size necessitates higher flow rates to circulate air effectively and maintain oxygen levels.

4. Do I need a prescription for an oxygen concentrator?

Yes, our oxygen concentrators are the only products we require a prescription for. Prescriptions can be uploaded to your Pawprint Oxygen online profile, emailed to or faxed to 855-699-3366. You can download our Prescription Form and send it to your veterinarian, giving them everything they need to send us a prescription. We require a prescription to ensure that your pet is getting the best possible care.

5. How do I set the flow rate on my pet oxygen concentrator?

When using a Buster ICU Oxygen Cage, you will set your concentrator to its highest setting. When using a pet oxygen mask, please refer to your prescription for the flow rate indicated by your doctor.

If you are using a small or medium Buster ICU Oxygen Cage, set your oxygen concentrator to the maximum flow rate (5LPM). If you are using a large Buster ICU Oxygen Cage, set your oxygen concentrator to the maximum flow rate (10LPM).

When using a pet oxygen mask with a concentrator, the flow rate will be prescribed based on your pet’s weight and medical history.

6. Can I use my oxygen concentrator in my car for transport?

Most vehicles lack the necessary power output for the oxygen concentrator to function.

Many cars have cigarette outlets, and some newer cars and SUVs have regular household outlets to charge phones or small appliances. The oxygen concentrator requires more power than a car or SUV outlet can provide.

If you need to transport your pet, we recommend using our Portable Oxygen Rescue Kits, which provide a safe and effective way to support your pet on the way to your veterinary office.

7. Do you rent oxygen concentrators?

Yes, we do! Our oxygen concentrators can be rented monthly or purchased outright. The rental option is perfect for pets who may need a lot of oxygen but for a short period of time, such as those recovering from pneumonia or other short-term illnesses, as well as pets who may have an uncertain prognosis.

The PureVent 5L model can be rented for $250/month and the PureVent 10L model can be rented for $350/month. These units come with brand new oxygen tubing and a pre-paid return label for your convenience. Simply place the return label over the old one, drop off at your nearest UPS store, and we’ll take care of the rest!

Common Questions: Pawprint Oxygen Prescription Requirements

Navigating the process of obtaining a prescription for your pet's oxygen therapy can raise a lot of questions. In this section, we’ll address the most common concerns about prescriptions for Pawprint Oxygen, from which products require a prescription to why it's necessary. Understanding the prescription process ensures that your pet receives the correct oxygen therapy tailored to their specific needs, making the journey smoother for both you and your pet.

1. How can I get a prescription for an Oxygen Concentrator or bundle?

You can obtain a prescription from your veterinarian in two ways: 

1. You can reach out to your veterinarian directly to write an RX for your pet. This is typically easiest when you are already in communication with your veterinarian, and they have recently seen your pet.

2. You can order a concentrator or bundle on our website, and fill out the RX prescription form yourself (complete with your veterinarian's information) and we will reach out to your veterinarian's office on your behalf to obtain the prescription. 

2. Does my pet’s prescription expire?

No, it will remain valid indefinitely in our system.

3. What is the prescription request form?

The prescription request form can be used by your veterinarian to approve oxygen therapy products through Pawprint Oxygen. We can forward the prescription request form to your veterinary office and contact your veterinarian to obtain a prescription on your behalf. Some veterinarians may not be familiar with prescribing oxygen therapy, so the form simplifies and streamlines the process.

"My dog, Milo has been suffering from a respiratory issue for quite awhile now. I can tell you that even though my sweet boy has issues with his breathing (mostly when he gets excited), he remains very happy, energetic and enthusiastic for life. He eats well, has no bathroom issues, except those associated with senior status. He is now 13 years old. Most of his issues seem to stem from lung congestion. I have tried all kinds of therapy, including a lot of herbal remedies. Some might help to ease his symptoms, but nothing has really improved his condition. I saw the ad for Pawprint Oxygen and decided to give it a try. I have only had the kit for about a week and have used it maybe 3 times so far when he seems to be suffering a bit more than usual. The treatment definitely gives him some relief, and he rests easier after treatment. Each treatment has been about 2-3 minutes and it helps. If I can give him relief, temporary or not, it is worth the price to me."

Mary Reynolds, Verified Pawprint Customer

Common Questions: Ordering and Shipping Oxygen

When your pet needs oxygen therapy, timely and reliable access to the right products is crucial. In this section, we’ll cover frequently asked questions related to ordering and shipping Pawprint Oxygen products. From understanding how to place an order to ensuring prompt delivery, this guide will provide all the information you need to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. Whether you’re preparing for your pet’s ongoing care or need oxygen for an emergency, we’ve got you covered.

1. What information do I need to place an order?

For Non-Prescription items: just your shipping address, email, phone number, and method of payment!

For Prescription items (orders containing an oxygen concentrator): **** We’ll need your shipping address, email phone number, and method of payment for your order to be submitted. After your order is submitted, we'll contact you via email to collect your pet and veterinary information or to obtain your approved prescription if you already have one. Once we receive your approval (either from you or from your veterinary office) your order will be shipped!

2.What are your shipping options?

UPS Ground, UPS Next Day Air, and USPS are available shipping carriers. Please read below for restrictions.

Orders containing Pawprint Oxygen Canisters must be shipped via UPS Ground due to federal regulations; they cannot be shipped with USPS or UPS Next Day Air. Orders for Pawprint Oxygen Canisters cannot be expedited due to federal shipping restrictions on oxygen.

All other products, including oxygen concentrators, oxygen cages, pet oxygen masks, and regulators, may be shipped through UPS Ground, UPS Next Day Air, and USPS. The UPS Next Day Air option is available for an additional cost, and a quote can be provided by calling us at 855-699-4366.

Orders placed Monday-Friday before 3:30PM EST will ship out the same day. Orders placed after 3:30PM EST will be shipped out the next business day. If you are ordering on a weekend, please note, your order will remain on hold until the next business day.

3. Do you sell your products in a store?

We are currently only available online through, and social shopping platforms (meta). Your order will be shipped from our facility in Pittsburgh, PA direct to your door.

Unfortunately, we do not currently have a physical retail presence.

4. How long does it take to process an order?

Typically, prescription orders take between 24-48 hours to be processed. Non-prescription orders placed within business hours will be processed within 2 hours.

If you are ordering a prescription item and you do not have a prescription, the 24–48-hour window allows a member of the Pawprint Oxygen Team to reach out to your veterinarian to get a prescription approval for oxygen therapy.

If you already have a prescription on file or you upload one after you check out, the order will process much quicker, as this step is already complete.

5. How can I reorder canisters for my kit?

Ordering more canisters for your kit is easy! You can re-order canisters on our website, or via phone with a member of the Pawprint Oxygen team. No prescription approval is necessary to reorder oxygen canisters, so they can be ordered at any time.

Where do you ship your oxygen products?

We ship anywhere in the continental United States. We do not currently ship to Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

VetMed Solutions offers our products for residents in Canada. To learn more, you can call them directly at 1-888-976-8696 or email them at . For more information, please visit their website.

Our products are currently unavailable internationally.

dog in oxygen chamber

Let’s Get Your Pet Breathing Easier

Providing oxygen therapy for your pet can feel overwhelming at first, but with the right information and support, it becomes much easier to navigate. 

We hope this comprehensive FAQ guide has addressed your most pressing questions about Pawprint Oxygen and our products, giving you the confidence to provide the best care for your pet. Whether you're just beginning oxygen therapy or managing a long-term respiratory condition, Pawprint Oxygen is here to help every step of the way. If you have further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us or consult your veterinarian. Together, we can ensure your pet receives the care they deserve to breathe easier and live healthier.

Key Takeaways

Pawprint Oxygen offers a comprehensive range of products for pet oxygen therapy, including concentrators, cages, masks, and portable kits.

Oxygen concentrators require a prescription, while portable oxygen kits are available without one.

The size of the oxygen concentrator needed depends on the size of the oxygen cage being used.

Prescriptions for oxygen therapy products remain valid indefinitely in Pawprint Oxygen's system.

Shipping options include UPS Ground, UPS Next Day Air, and USPS, with restrictions on oxygen canister shipments.

Pawprint Oxygen ships to the continental United States, with VetMed Solutions offering products for Canadian residents.

The company provides both rental and purchase options for oxygen concentrators to accommodate different pet care needs.

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